
There is even more to explore apart from my own art projects:


BASSFRUCHT ( is the name of my long-term collaboration with Mathias Funk, Eindhoven. Our main focus is electronic music. But we also create sounds and music for art installations and movies. You will also find Bassfrucht’s work in exhibitions and performance art.

You can download Bassfrucht’s music on our netlabel’s website FORAMEL ( for free! Here is an example, one of Bassfrucht’s latest tracks “Rigter” from our new album “Knopfdrums & Schlenkerpads”:

Rigter (Bassfrucht)


Bassfrucht is a part of LASERCONCERTS (, which are being performed in collaboration with Cologne-based Laser artits Till Nachtmann and Stefan Silies. The performances are between 15 and 45 minutes and interact extensively with location and setting. When working with laser technology, we take a minimalist approach which is different from common laser shows. Together with live music, an experience is created that is both fascinating and unique.

References: Kulturmagazin Bochum, University of Media Arts Cologne, STRIJP-S Eindhoven (NL), Brot und Spiele Gallery, Berlin.


Have a look at my photography-blog DUNKELKAMMER ( You will find some of my landscape photography and architectural photography – anything that creates a very special atmosphere.











Please also visit my friend’s websites:

Mathias Funk, Basik Studio, Bicrem Concept, Ima Thume, Stefan Silies, Puppet Empire, Blok Studio, Ulrich Cordes, Tackerfilm, Fritz Fenne, Manfred Flucht, Kai Niggemann